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Take care of your mental health

Take care of your mind and emotions as you take care of your body.


Mădălina Mărgărit

I am licensed by Colegiul psihologilor as a clinician psychologist since 2009 and as a psychoanalytical psychotherapist since 2019. I am a member of ARPP - Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy Romanian Association  and I have 10 years experience in project management, operational and risk analysis in pharmaceutical department.


Reserve time for yourself. Let a specialist offer you support and guide you on a self discovery path. Push away any stigma and open up to the benefits of psychotherapy. 


Difficult times can be elevated with the support of a specialist. Emotional suffering doesn't always have imediate solutions but can be understood and reduced in therapy. 


Reserve time for yourself. Let a specialist offer you support and guide you on a self discovery path. Push away any stigma and open up to the benefits of psychotherapy. 


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